The Well Woman is Back
Exciting news, The Well Woman is back! I started this blog series about two years ago during a difficult time in my life. During that time I was battling depression, being forced to quit my job, grief, and so many intrusive thoughts. In the midst of that I heard a small voice inside of me say, “I just want to be well”, and that’s what I asked God for. I was hurting so much that all I could ask for was to be well. Feeling like this made me think about other women who may be going through the same thing, or maybe worse– that’s when The Well Woman was born. Now that I’m on the other side of most of those things, I find myself in a new place. A place where I’m committed to sustaining my growth, and superseding it. Once you start seeing results in your healing journey, it’s hard to stop– so I started running. Literally, and figuratively. I’ve been running for fitness, my mental health, and for my life, for two months & here’s what happened as a result.

Well, What Waist?
The waist is gone. Yep, you heard it right, I’ve lost inches off my waist. I’m not exactly sure how many right now but it’s significant. Everything that used to be too tight, or that I couldn’t fit at all, now fits or is too big. The best part about all of this is that I wasn’t trying to lose weight. Like I mentioned before, I just wanted to be well so all of this is just a bonus. As I see changes in my physical body, it’s a reminder that the hard work & dedication pays off.
Increase in Energy
Now, I’m not a scientist but I know the difference between low energy and high energy. When you start incorporating running into your weekly routine, you may struggle at first but overtime you gain energy & endurance. Things that used to drain you out will begin to feel like nothing to you. Hardly ever do I feel sluggish, I’m always ready to roll– especially if it involves a physical activity.
Flexibility, Mobility & Momentum
Maybe it’s just me, but when I was younger I was naturally flexible and could fold into a pretzel at the drop of a dime. As I got older, I had to work for that same flexibility, mobility, and momentum. This stood out to me because that’s how I knew it was time to put my limbs to work because I am too young to be stiff. So the gag is, when I started running, I also started stretching. I mean deep stretches, you can’t even run long distances without it. Needless to say, but my flexibility returned like it never left.
Perspective Shift
I’ve been fortunate to begin this journey while the weather is perfect for running outdoors in New Jersey. Taking the scenic route and being outside, seeing people, things, and places you’ve never seen will shift how you think. You don’t realize how close-minded you are when you go to the same places, take the same routes or if you’re always in and out. You know that saying, “stop and smell the flowers”– that’s what running outside makes me think about.
Improvement in My Mental Health
Where do I begin? So, basically the rumors are true. Running does help improve your mental health. Let me tell you how I know. I used to HATE running, I mean absolutely hate it. I used to think that people were being extra every time I saw them. I saw them running in the rain, snow, or running period for that matter. Then one day I needed to run or else I was going to explode. I put my gear on and I ran, I ran until I couldn’t run any more. I ran until I felt whatever weight that was on me leave my mind & body. Since that day, I’ve been locked in– and ain’t no switching up!
Run With Me
As a result of this new hobby/tool I’ve found myself a part of not one but three run clubs (lol). Seriously, years ago I would not even know who this girl was! Anyway, who would I be not to share all the tools and resources that have helped me? Here are the NJ/NY based clubs that I’ve joined & consistently committed to:

Work With Me
In essence, this is my thing now. Running, wellness and growing is my forever thing and I will continue to share my journey. Should you come across any of this content and would like to partner or collaborate, please email me at, or DM me on instagram. I’m looking forward to working with brands that align with my love for fitness, wellness, fashion, faith, and travel. If that’s you, you know where to find me.
As always, stay blessed & stay fierce
Xoxo –Kmo