Welcome, Well Woman
The world can be a cold place, but I’ve found warmth in a place that I’ve never known until now– and I’d like to welcome you, well woman. If you don’t mind, not only would I like to invite you to this side of true healing, I’d also like to share my story, and my journey. I believe it’s relatable, it’s hard yet needed.
Before You Become a Well Woman
I’ve spent quite some time reflecting on this year and the previous year, and I can say they were two of the most difficult years I’ve ever had to endure. From the outside looking in, most would say I was having the time of my life.. while that may be true, simultaneously I experienced a place I never want to be again. From those moments I captured glimpses of strength that propelled me and encouraged me to keep going. I kept going. It sounds easier said than done, and it actually is easier to say it.
The continuation of life as I knew it was not easy, yet God sent people, familiar and unfamiliar to my aid. With Him, and without them I know for sure I would not be where I am now. I would not be writing this. I would not be in my right mind, and I most definitely would not be able to reflect on my past with a smile of victory. Those people reminded me of where I was headed, where I would be, my destiny. Now, I’m here to remind you of that all the same.

During the Process
The one thing I asked God for during that time was simply to be well.. it was very Solomon of me, and that’s still my prayer. My request is to be well, for me and the women around me. My continued prayer is for us all to be well. I know I could ask God for anything, and with faith, it could all happen. But when you don’t know if you’re going to ever be okay again, the smallest request to God felt like my greatest– and He answered me. I remember asking Him this like it was yesterday, I was fifty percent sure he would, and fifty percent in question. Today, I write about how I’m one hundred percent sure He did in fact hear me, and made good on His word.
After You Discover Your Wellness

The twist in all of this is that I was well all along, however I couldn’t see, and didn’t want to see. The battle between you and you is a beast only you can conquer. You really have to want to discover your own wellness. One phrase that I repeat often is very fitting for this paragraph– Everything that you are, and will be, is already in you. That’s the truth.
Stay tuned for more from #awellwomanseries
Beautiful. I can relate to you saying how you’re having the time of your life at the same time of having the worst times in your life. Life has such a funny way of making this reality. I’m excited to read the future pieces to this series. I pray God continues to speak life into you well woman <3