4 Years of Fulfillment
This is just an open letter, maybe to myself or to anyone it may apply to. These first few days of 2024 have me in an interesting place which has led me to a written vent session. First thing I want to reflect on is the fact that, wow, we’re here! 2024! Four years ago, we were approaching one of the most challenging times of our lives together, and none of us had a clue. It’s a blessing, and an answered prayer for me. Also, four years ago, I arrived in Newark, New Jersey with a car full of my belongings, about three hundred dollars, and full confidence that I would receive a job that I applied to prior. Today, all I can do is thank God because He has carried me this entire time. I took this huge jump of faith from the Carolinas all the way to New Jersey and it has been nothing short of amazing.

The Number 4
The number 4 derives its Bible meaning from creation. On the fourth day of what is called “creation week” God completed the material universe. On this day he brought into existence our sun, the moon, and all the stars (Genesis 1:14 – 19). Their purpose was not only to give off light, but also to divide the day from the night on earth, thus becoming a basic demarcation of time. They were also made to be a type of signal that would mark off the days, years and seasons (of which there are 4).
Interestingly, the Hebrew word for “seasons” (of which there are 4) in Genesis 1:14 is moed (Strong’s Concordance #H4150), which literally translated is “appointed times” (divine appointments) in reference to God’s festivals. This is the earliest known allusion to what would later be called the Holy (or Feast) days (periods) of worship.
Here’s what I really want to say to myself:
Girl, Ka’bre, miss Kmonaefierce, happy anniversary! Happy anniversary on the day you chose yourself and legacy at the same time! The wisdom that was gifted to you from God has made a way for you. While you were deep in the wilderness, in the unknown with little direction you did what you thought was best. You didn’t know that you’d not only be okay, but you’d be received, supported and loved. All you knew was to trust God, and you did that. You held back the tears of being let down, not feeling fulfilled, and closed doors. There was no room or time for them. You needed clear vision for the road ahead. Today, I give you permission to cry those tears, but they’ll be tears of joy and relief.

Nothing about this journey has been perfect, but it has been worth it. You had ups and downs just like anyone else. Your ups were ups that you never could have imagined, and your downs were low enough to take you out. They both built your character, showed you who was for you, and who was not. A time or two you thought you found your person, but you really found yourself. You know yourself, and you’re not afraid to be you. You’ve always been that way, but you used to hide, and subconsciously dim your light because of who you were around. Throughout this journey you have shedded the layers of your trials, and people who don’t deserve you.

Mission Possible
You were on a mission. A mission with a very simple task. Build. Build a foundation, build character, build skills, build relationships, build endurance, build love.. build. Needless to say, with the help of God and those He assigned to help, you built! One of the four years you traveled the world with your best friend. Another time, you reconnected with family members. Then you gave birth to a skillset that would cause you to follow your heart’s desires from here on out. Even though you were scared at times, you always trusted God. Today, I encourage you to keep doing that no matter what comes your way.

Last, but Not Least
Moving forward, the last thing I want to say is don’t be afraid to fail and don’t limit how much you can grow. Go! There’s nothing holding you back! You got this, and even when you don’t have it, God does. Stay humble, true, and at the feet of The Lord. Lay all your burdens there, and receive His promises which are Yes, and Amen.
As always, stay fierce!
Xoxo– Ka’bre/Kmo.