The Last Month of Q3
Okay, so it’s the last month of Q3 and I can’t even begin to wrap my mind around it– September, please act accordingly. I was speaking to a friend of mine the other day and we both agreed that this is the part of the year where you’re like “let me get my act together”! After spending the summer relaxing and letting a few things take the back seat you soon come to the realization that the year is almost over. Whatever didn’t work in the past eight months, someway, somehow has to work. Not to mention, whatever you didn’t do on that list you made in January must get done pronto. Literally everything has to come together.

Your September Pep Talk
Alright, now I’m not your mom or dad but I’m your Fierce Aunty here with your September pep talk. I know we’re already a week or so in the game but I felt the need to give you this anyway. The months have gone by, and the things you wrote down in January, may or may not have gotten done. If it’s the latter, this is for you. First of all, don’t beat yourself up, acknowledge it, but don’t count yourself out– you are still here. Second, in the words of our late sis Aaliyah “if at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off, and try again. Lastly, just put the things you planned back into action. I know it’s easier said than done, but we’re going to get there by any means necessary. Hang tight, because September is about to get the reality check she didn’t know she needed.

Getting Back Up
So recently I’ve been feeling like I’ve taken a backseat in life and how I need some help on getting back up. To be honest I have lost a lot of motivation, I feel like the momentum in my life has dried up, and I’ve felt like there’s nothing to motivate me out of this. The whole flip side to this, is that I know that I am destined for greatness and that I can’t stay down for long, and also that now is the time to get back up! How does one who feels like this? Well, we’re about to find out together. Most recently I’ve been leaning on all the resources made available to me at my fingertips, such as podcasts, books, motivational posts, and youtube. There is no need to reinvent the wheel– use what you have! Getting back up is simple, think about it. Naturally, when you need help after falling, there is always something, or someone there to help you back up. So, without further adieu…let’s get back up

Putting Things Into Action
I would like to share a theory about getting back up after feeling like you have taken a fall. I don’t think it’s a matter of getting up that we struggle with, I believe it’s not knowing what to do once you actually decide to get up. In order to put anything into action, you must have a plan. When I get up from here, what am I going to do? What do I need? Who am I going to ask for help? What tools am I going to use? Ask yourself these questions, and actually get an answer. Now that you know who and what you need, you have the base to your plan of action. Next, you make a plan, which to be quite frank is not my forte but here we are doing it anyway. I found this article “How to Execute an Effective Plan” via Indeed to assist you. In a nutshell, here’s what you need to do: Gather information. Before you can begin developing a successful plan, you need to make sure you have all the information necessary:
- Identify key resources
- Develop SMART goals
- Create the framework
- Assign tasks
- Establish regular communication
- Track your progress
- Evaluate performance
Once you can cross these above items off your check list, I’d say you are off to a successful start, just make sure you keep the momentum going.
Keep it Up
Y’all know the words of my good sister girl Cardi, “if it’s up, then it’s stuck”. Once you get your plan moving in action, all I can say is keep it up. I sincerely encourage you to just do the best you can, and if at all you ever need to start over, you now have a blueprint and you can DM me! Govern yourselves accordingly.
As always, stay fierce!