6 Things We’re Leaving in 2023

Diversitech 2025: Where to Stay, What to Eat, What to Do?

Out with the Old, In With the New

We’re a strong three weeks into 2024 and there’s a few things we need to be reminded of before we get into the thick of it. First, praise God that we made it to this point because not everyone did. Second, it’s time for some good old fashion “out with the old, in with the new” rules. These rules come in no particular order because equally we’d all be better without them, in my opinion. Last, but not least, don’t shoot the messenger. Although I agree with this list of things remaining in 2023, I’m not the only one advocating. Your peers across the world have also voiced the need for the following to be left behind. Moving forward, all I ask is that you open your heart and mind for bigger and better things in 2024.


just a friendly reminder since we’re almost four weeks in 💃🏽 #onthebottom #theresultsarein #pyramid #things #we #left #in #2023 #Inverted

♬ original sound – SendAFriend ✨

Recording Everything & Posting It 

I know we live in the digital era, but I think a few of us took documenting moments a little too far. This is important because there was never a class on digital etiquette (stay tuned), it just fell in our laps. However, I’m here to tell you there are some moments that you should avoid recording. Now, this is coming from someone whose friends would say I record everything– but I don’t. This is something I consciously and intentionally don’t do so my friends, family, and loved ones feel safe. Now, I understand having things for the family archives, but there are some moments that should just be sacred. So with all due respect, here are things I consciously choose not to record & post: 

– intimate moments (crying, praying, etc.)

– first dates, second dates, early on dates, etc. 

– children who don’t want to be on camera, children with disorders who can’t voice if they want to be on camera, etc. 

– anything where with no permission or could be considered disrespectful

Birthday Dinners 

Happy early, or belated birthday to you! Now– it’s time to have a tough conversation that many of you may not be ready to have. Birthday dinners. Back in the day, they used to be cute, but now things have gotten a little out of hand. By out of hand you guys know what I’m talking about. There is no reason in the world why you should have a list of 20+ people showing up to the most busiest, popular restaurant and you’re splitting checks/arguing over a bill. There’s also no reason, someone should be obligated to pay for a portion of someone else’s drinks and meal if they’re not equally enjoying the food + beverage selection you chose. Instead here is what I recommend:  

– dinner party at a venue

– birthday potluck at someone’s house

– birthday picnic (warm months) 

Gender War Podcasts

Podcasting has been the root of many creators’ success and viral moments. Some people have even opted to listen to a podcast instead of watching television. However, somewhere along the way the discussion of gender vs. gender has become a thing. More specifically, the podcast that focuses on degrading or shading the opposite sex. Personally, I’ve seen this the most in the black community which is a shame. Let’s stop it now. We both have trauma. Let’s focus on healing. 

Sneaky Links

Hear me out, because I know how yall like to tussle, especially over yall “sneaky links”. For those of you who may be confused, my friends at Urban Dictionary are here to assist because I will not be elaborating on the definition on my blog. I will, however, elaborate on why it should be left in the past of 2023 and prior years. The whole purpose of this term is for people to not find out, yet, all I’ve been seeing is the opposite. People know who your “sneaky link” is. Why? Because people are nosey, and as quiet as kept, one of you doesn’t actually want to be a secret anyway. That’s just the way we’re built. I know you thought you could handle the thrill but if we’re being real, you can’t.

2024 is for loving out loud, period!

2 Inch Mini Skirts

Fashion is one of many ways to express yourself, and boy don’t we love to express ourselves. While doing so, I do believe there’s a fine line between expressing yourself and doing too much. The 2 inch mini skirts were doing too much. However, I digress. Let’s not in 2024. 

Trolls, Bullies, Mean Girls 

At heart, I’m a natural jokester, and I honestly love making people laugh from a pure place. On the flip side, there are groups of people who joke, but from a place of anger, malice and darkness. Why is that? I think it’s a reflection of how they may feel about themselves. Trolls, bullies, and mean girls are all a part of this category that should be left in the dust. Here in 2024, we are nice, loving, resourceful, willing to help those in need, and pure hearted. If you have to bring people down with your words then that says a lot about you and your position in life. Get well, get better, and do better!

As always, stay fierce

xoxo- Kmo

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